A Day in the Life Too... a blog about modest style

A 30-something mom's blog about modest style, DIY stuff, and limiting dessert. Just kidding. We eat dessert first around here.

** Check out this post for an awesome way to build a totally customized, modest wedding gown...and save 10% with coupon code! **

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Seriously? You think I'm getting dressed today?

Sorry, my friends, to disappoint. (Or, for those of you to whom it applies: You're welcome.) But it's not happening today. I even walked the dog this morning in pajamas. My neighbors are so happy with me.

I am, however, excited to announce that over the coming days, I'll be sporting some new apparel/accessories. Like houndstooth. And diamonds (the real deal! A little Pauly Pocket surprise). And great stuff in between.

My creative juices are flowing. As is the eggnog.

As for today's fashion inspiration, I got nothin'. I hope to stay in my [Editor's note: read: Pocket's] pjs pretty much all day (so far, so good...) and watch my 2-year-old dance around the house in nothing but her diaper and some new sparkly red shoes. Life is rarely more glorious than this.

Happy Christmas.


Julie said...

Merry Christmas to you! My girls stayed in their jams all day too. I got dressed but only because I woke up very early & was trying to kill time.

Unknown said...

hope you have a fabulous christmas x

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