A Day in the Life Too... a blog about modest style

A 30-something mom's blog about modest style, DIY stuff, and limiting dessert. Just kidding. We eat dessert first around here.

** Check out this post for an awesome way to build a totally customized, modest wedding gown...and save 10% with coupon code! **

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

pardon me, ma'am...is that thar all you's food?

All right. It's official. I'm getting too old and delusional to think that my contortion below even sliiiiightly resembles the number eight. Check it:
Color me embarrassed. And inflexible. And anything that doesn't resemble 8.
boots & watch: target. socks: smith's marketplace. jeans: kohl's. sweater: j. crew. blazer: thrifted (the limited). belt: pocket's. flower: gifted/homemade.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping. First time in a long time. As in, our fridge was down to about a tablespoon of ketchup and some moldy cheese, which was actually going to be last night's dessert, but after having feasted on the last of the mustard and some bendable celery, we simply couldn't eat another bite. My lucky lucky family.

So. Me. In checkout line. Buying groceries. [Editor's note: Not that much, all things considered. Some produce, some meat, some breaded items. Some milk. Some chex mix. Not even pnut m&ms!]
When allsofasudden the man behind me says, all flirty-like [Editor's note: I think it goes without saying, but just in case: EW. and ???] “Heyyy, do you live out in the woods or something?” Inferring that I had a lot of groceries…enough, maybe, to survive the rest of the winter deep in a wooded area. I kind of smiled awkwardly and shook my head and started to "look" for something deep in my purse, a.k.a. "get off me." He registered a bit high on the oily-creep scale. Like a 9.8. Falling below a perfect-10 only because he didn't sport a large gold chain around a bare, hairy white chest. But he was just that close.
Then he started bragging to the nice grocery clerk about a song he wrote recently. He’s a songwriter. He writes songs. SONG. WRITER. My my my, aren’t we just the epitome of urban cool. And oh-so-studly that you buy your lunch of Red Bull and gum on the daily. 

Heaven forbid you buy carrots, let alone 5 pounds of them at once. Sure, those ribs in my cart are “country style,” but that doesn’t mean I milk a cow every morning. Or maybe I do (I don’t), right next to the moon-carved outhouse door and buckets o' pig slop and mucking boots. I’ll never ever tell. (But I don’t.) I just happen to not love grocery shopping, so I try to get it over with. Geesh.

Anyway. I escaped the uncomfortable situation unscathed, pulling my now seemingly 8-cart train of groceries toward my waiting backhoe in the parking lot. For all he knows, next time I make it into Town might be 6 months from now, after the Spring Thaw and Calving Time. 

[Editor's note: I'd go on, but I can't think of any more rustic analogies or phrases. Nuts. My cover is blown.]
Happy Tuesday.

Like this look? Check out the stuff below...


grace said...

I have to tip my (imaginary) hat to you. That is really an excellent 8.

Melissa said...

Personally, I think you look exactly like an 8. Mostly like an 8. Kind of like an 8?

I adore this outfit. Love the blazer, the lower belt, the mustardy color of the top, the flower pin, the socks with the boots, the mixed black and brown...I love it all!

Creepy guys in the supermarket are just one reason to avoid grocery shopping. You should've told him you have 10 kids to feed.

Brittney said...

@grace: imaginary hat or no, i'll take it. thanks.
@melissa: i'm seriously looking into a grocery delivery service. but they might get annoyed when i order a 5-pound bag of m&ms every night promptly at 9:00... meh. worth it.

Ashley J said...

Oh no, the "belt" is back! Just kidding...I seriously belt everything I own in attempt to show off my non-waist.

Linda W said...

I am waiting in anticipation to see what you do for double digits!
I love the mustarty color with the blazer. And boots over jeans with socks is one of my favorite cold weather looks!

The Auspicious Life

Brittney said...

@ashleyj: i know! i'm kind of regretting the belt...it just haunts me, you know? can't...leave...it...in...closet....
@lindaw: to be honest, i'm not sure what i'll do for the double digits. probably two pics of the single digits. seriously...not possible to bust out a "2" and an "8" at the same time. at least by me...

Anonymous said...

You look great! And I hadn't thought of wearing the socks over the jeans, I'll have to give it a try soon!

Jill GG said...

I love this look... I have the same JCrew top, I love how you styled it! cute!

Tara said...

I am kind of impressed with your extensive knowledge of life-in-the-woods. I'm thinking he may have been more right than you're letting on :)

Love the socks with the boots! I've tried it before, but I think maybe it's not a look meant for someone who is 5'2...kind of makes my legs look more stumpy than they already are!

Brittney said...

@tara: it's amazing what information you can find on wikipedia... :)

sis said...

This blazer is such a great shape, and i love how you have the belted shirt below.

merciblahblah said...

Thank GOD - I have been concerned about your number 8 for DAYS now. J'adore. If you need to brush up on your country folk skills and slang, might I suggest the movie Winter's Bone? Watched it last night. It reaaaally could've come in handy for you at the grocery store with Creepy McGrosserson.


Siena in Style said...

I love your poses!!!And you look fabulous!

Brittney said...

@merciblahblah: haha! creepy mcgrosserson indeed. winter's bone,a huh. i'll have to check it out. either that, or never grocery shop again...
@siena.style: thanks. that's nice of you to say!

Kiki said...

Okay--- you are SO cracking me up with your clever number poses! And another great outfit today! xoxo Kiki

Liz said...

Super jealous of your ability to make numbers out of your limbs. Also jealous of this cute little outfit you got going on here.

Jessica Jenkins said...

I almost... almost, wore my blazer with my mustard colored top today. Then we could have been twin-sies, but don't expect me to try your number poses... I'll leave that to you, because you're awesome at it. Thanks for the laugh today!

Brittney said...

@jessica: nuts. so close. well, there's always next time to get the memo in time... :)

Alexis Kaye said...

haha I loved your story :) you have a great sense of humor

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Your '8' is so funny. I love your photos, the sets of 3 are great. This outfit is so cute! The colour on the top is lovely.

Daisy Dayz Home
Cross-Jones-Photography Home

Kellie said...

omg, your number poses are fabulous. I can totally see the 8.

stealthnerd said...

I like your use of the belt, sneaking it into the outfit in an nontraditional way, very cute!

Kelly said...

I LOVE the number 8! That mustard top looks great with the blazer - well done!

heididh33 said...

I love this outfit and plan to copy it! I love your blog!
Well, actually I just now found it and only skimmed through it because I think we have matching boots and I love that you wore socks over jeans and while I was skimming I saw something about the incredible truth that God loves us so I decided I would probably love your blog after checking it out a little more. You know, when I have time... Be back soon. :)

BiblioMOMia said...

Snort. I hate those guys. But I love your outfit! Especially the socks and boots. And the olive shirt. They're awesome.

Keri said...

I have been remiss in keeping up with my favorite blogs...I love that you portray the number each day! And I am very intrigued to see what you do when you enter double digits. BTW Love your flower broach!!!

Brittney said...

@stealthnerd: thanks for saying i "snuck" in the belt. kinda true... although i think i "sneak" in a belt farrrr too often probably. but i don't care. :)
@heidid: welcome! hope you come again.
@bibliomomia: hah! LOVE that you just snorted via comment.

heidiluxe said...

HAHAHA. he was a songwriter and he was bragging to the cashier(but actually you)? oh that is just perfect.

Tales of a young mamma said...

love love this whole outfit

Peggy said...

I am so happy I found your blog! Now I get a daily laugh. You are too much! Your 8 is great! And I wish we were neighbors!

LyddieGal said...

No, you totally look like an eight!
Love what this blazer has done for these jeans, and that mustard top is gorgeous!

Chic on the Cheap

My Heart Blogged said...

Sorry a creeper came your way. I like you blazer outfit, and I wish the low slung belt would make a come back.
My Heart Blogged

Brittney said...

@heidi: i know, right? awesome.
@peggy: i wish we were neighbors, too...especially if you live in hawaii or any of the caribbean islands.
@myheartblogged: join me in my one-woman crusade to bring the look back! i love a low-slung belt. makes me feel like a western cowboy. minus the holster and gun, of course, although i'm sure i could rustle a plastic one up from my son's toys if necessary...

Megan G said...

Hahah! Makes me wonder what he'd say to my buying 3 gallons of milk every other week (and I don't even drink milk myself).

You're too cute! I love your casual blazer look.

Kileen said...

i love the figure 8 you made with your arms and legs!! how cute. :) and i'm loving the mustard yellow against the black blazer and that flower pin is awesome! love everything about your look today!

cute and little
come check out the color brigade!

mandi c said...

I swear something about grocery lines brings out the creepers. I'm glad you made it out alive, un-greased and un-serenaded. And I applaud your 5 pounds of carrots! What are you doing to do with them?!

And that color of shirt is perfect! You look wonderful!

mary plus vince said...

oh my goodness, that guy is hilarious (and super crazy/creepy!)

and your figure 8 is perfect, i love it!

Brittney said...

@meganmae: who knows...but something alarmingly shudder-ifying. if that's a word. which it is. i just decided.
@mandic: i made chicken & dumplings tonight. i am OBSESSED with a certain food blog right now. it's full of recipes with veggies and butter and all things delicious. mmmmm...
@maryelizabeth: "perfect" you say? why, thank you!

Unknown said...

haha...great story!
I get SO awkward when creepy people talk to me!
I'm loving your mustard top in this outfit!

Be Sure To Enter My Exposed Envy Giveaway!

Marie said...

Oh man this post made me laugh right out loud. It was just great, thanks :) I love your outfits and especially how you can shape your body to look like numbers! :) I am a fellow mom and I'm definitely a new follower!

Angie said...

You are witty and your outfit is great.I might try the grey socks look...and I love the carpet shown in the photos!

Kaleido Mind said...

you are so cute! love the photo where you're making an '8':D

Ramsey said...

You are so funny and cute with your poses! And lol about the grocery shopping!

Abby said...

your story cracked me up. People like that always make me pretty uncomfortable.. ugh, ESPECIALLY if they address you by some pet name like honey or sweetie.

You look great though!

Unknown said...

Hahaha hilarious grocery store story- I was grocery shopping last night and you meet all sorts of strange characters there! You are more flexible than I am and your 8 is cute! I love the mustard coloured shirt and flower pin! xo Emily

Lise Marie said...

I think you looked just like an 8 and am so glad I stumbled on your blog! It is great!


Laurel Ann said...

Oh, a glorious 8 it is. People are so weird, especially at the grocery store, and especially-er when they think everyone cares what they think/do/say/know. Newsflash: People don't care. Ha!
I like the outfit and am especialliest digging that flower pin. Great embellishment!


Tina said...

I am so glad that you left a comment on my blog, b/c it led me back to your fabulous blog. You ROCK! Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning.

The Suburb Experiment said...

This is the number I've been waiting for. . . it's not as awkward as it could've been. I give it an 8. :)

Last week was my mega-grocery trip. I put off gas and groceries until I absolutely have to go. If I didn't have children it'd probably be worse.

Brittney said...

@abby: ew, that would definitely be worse. no thanks on pet names.
@laurelann: "especially-er." haha! love it.
@tina: welcome! glad you came by.
@suburbexperiment: an 8? i'll TAKE it! (i think this just proves that i don't have what it takes to be successful in the olympics, if i'm thrilled with an 8. which is too bad, really, because i'm totally athletic and talented enough to be an olympian otherwise...).

Sara Louise said...

How have I never stumbled across your blog before?! You are giving me a whole new appreciation for numbers! lol! Cute outfit!

Simply Bubblelicious said...

Oh my goodness. Your 8 rocks and gave me the biggest smile this morning. 2 cute. Love that outfit and the flower pin was a great touch. Look forward to additional posts!


kelsey said...

Your photos just kill me! You are too funny.

jessie said...

i love your poses! you are so adorable! love the outfit.

No Guilt Fashion said...

What a great way to style your blazer for EBEW. Love that flower pin. Very nice touch. Also, I think that looks like an 8.
No Guilt Fashion

CC said...

Haha, I was wondering how you would make an 8! Love it.

Laura said...

I just adore this look. The mustard with those boots is awesome, and the blazer pulls it all together so nicely! I think a blazer with jeans is a perfect mix of dressy and casual.

Great blog you have!

jade said...

Wow, I absolutely love this look! Glad to have found your blog through the remix!

s said...

Haha your poses are cracking me up. Your pictures are adorable!

Unknown said...

LMAOOOOOO at creepy greasy song writer story. But yes, that's just really really disturbing.

But... how do carrots last so long?! Do you really only do groceries once a month? We have to go every week over here cuz Japanese people don't really believe in preservatives.

laniza said...

I absolutely love the mustard top with jeans tucked into brown boots. I am totally trying this before my 30 for 30 is up!

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